Ghost Ship

horror / cult

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The 'Antonia Graza' has been missing since 1962 so when a group of salvagers discover a mysterious vessel floating off the coast of Alaska they realise that this is its remains. Whilst towing the ship towards harbour strange things start to happen on board and the crew becomes trapped inside.

"Director Steve Beck follows up his good-looking fiasco Thir13en Ghosts with another horror that favours style over substance. A hackneyed and unsophisticated morality tale — where greed is inevitably rewarded with tragedy — it revolves around skipper Gabriel Byrne and his salvage team who think they've struck gold when they discover a mysterious, loot-filled cruise liner that's been lost at sea since the 1960s. In fairness, this grisly take on the Marie Celeste legend opens promisingly with an outrageously bloody effects-explosion that defines the mood with a jugular-grabbing jolt...." - Radio Times Review